It’s a Process

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To increase your happiness and well-being, make time for socializing, performing acts of kindness, meditating, exercise, sleep, and experiencing gratitude. Prioritize these.

Look at how you are spending your time.

What activities do you spend your time on?

What are you getting out of these activities?

If you stopped doing these things, how much more time would you have for the things that we know lead to health and happiness - sleep/ meditation/ exercise/ social connections.

Our habits have been built based on our old expectations about what leads to happiness. We think we have to spend all of our time being productive - working, making more money, accomplishing something, checking off the to-do list…

But research shows that many of the things we assume will make us happy, really don’t make us happy. Consider using some of your time not being busy, and instead give yourself time affluence.

Many of these habits and motivations have been built up over years, so making this change is difficult. This requires a big life shift/ a restructuring/ a shift in paradigm.

  • Change from focusing on perfectionism or grades or accolades

  • Allow yourself time to not be productive

  • Make changes to your environment

    - Keep a gratitude journal at your bedside

    - Set a reminder on your phone to meditate

    - Tell a friend about the changes you are trying to make for accountability


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