Character Strengths/ Signature Strengths

These are the parts of your personality that impact the way you think, feel, and believe.

Your top 5 character strengths/signature strengths are the characteristics that make you feel energized and engaged.

We all have different character strengths/signature strengths.

Check out the link below to take a free survey to find yours.

On this website, you can view the ranking of all of your character strengths (not just your top 5), read descriptions of each, and learn ways to use them

The 24 character strengths/signature strengths:

  • Creativity, Curiosity, Love of learning, Perspective, Judgment

  • Bravery, Honesty, Zest, Perseverance

  • Kindness, Love, Social intelligence

  • Fairness, Leadership, Teamwork

  • Forgiveness, Humility, Prudence, Self regulation

  • Appreciation of beauty and excellence, Gratitude, Hope, Humor, Spirituality

Using one of your character strengths/signature strengths in a new way each day prevents hedonic adaptation.

You can experience more flourishing and less depression from learning about and using these character strengths/signature strengths.

- Plan to use each of your top 5 character strengths during the week. Use them in different ways - at work and in relationships.

- Reflect on how you’ve used your character strengths in the past.

- Appreciate others’ character strengths. Tell others what you appreciate about them, what you value in them - be specific, give examples.

Have those closest to you take this survey, discuss their results, and encourage each other to use your character strengths daily. This can strengthen your relationships, boost your happiness, and improve your well being.


The Good Life


It’s a Process